#012 - Guest: Rev. Denise Yeargin of Unity Music City Nashville / Compassion / Unity's Message / How Do We Raise A Conscious Child? / 4 Steps to Stay Conscious / Spiritual Journey to "Fit In" / What Is a Spiritual Midwife? / Defining What a Mindfullness Coach Is/ You Create Your Reality / Much More
Live 6/2/2016 from Venue 109 www.venue109.com
Special guest Rev. Denise Yeargin of Unity Music City AKA as Rev D
We hit so many topics it will make your head spin!
Bible is an exploration of evolving consciousness.
No one or religion has the monopoly on truth
We are what we have been waiting for - there is no second coming.
We are afraid of being big / being the light.
I can choose peace instead of an opinion!
Peace is inevitable with or without us!
People around us aren't broken they are Just vibrating at that frequency right now.
Raising A Conscious Child by Denise Yeargin as published on Dream A World
A LyKo Group Production
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