#016 - Building and Reshaping Your Paradigm / Keith Urban Surprising A Fan / Being Prepared For the Opportunity When it Presents / Whom Does an Apology Benefit the Most / Responses to an Internet Poll
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#015 - Guest: Justin "Jello Cups" Matejcek President of Veterans Adventure Group (VAG) and Sean White Member Veterans Adventure Group / Goal of VAG / Inspiration For Creation of VAG / How This Program Helps Veterans Connect and Become Part of a Meaningful and Impactful "Mission" / Justin and Seans Unique and Inspiration Military Experience / Much More
Listen in to hear Sean and Justin share the inspirational story that was the seed to create Veterans Adventure Group and how this program is helping veterans feel like they are a part of something larger and challenges them to confront their greatest fears through extreme sports.
Justin shares a gut wrenching story about a convoy he was part of that was struck by an IED and the moments after to save lives and survive. This story has some gory details but is one that will put your life and the things that matter into perspective.
Sean shares how he overcame struggles and darkness that eventually lead him to join the military and find his true purpose.
Recorded at Venue 109 7/7/2016 https://www.facebook.com/Venue109
Donate to this great cause today at
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#014 - Guest/Author: Rahim Buford - The Fall of Arthel and the Rise of Rahim / Being caged (incarcerated) for 26 years / Becoming a warrior and beacon of light for the youth / Redefining THE Institution / Mastery Mindset For Transformation / Much More
Recorded at Venue 109 https://www.facebook.com/Venue109/ 6/30/16
VERY special episode with Author and Visionary Rahim Buford. You will not want to miss this one!!
Hear our new show at:
#013 - Highs and Lows of Colin's Bodybuilding Preparation for Competition / How Focusing On Negative Can Have Adverse Effects Emotionally and Cellularly / 7 Deadly Sins / We Are All Interconnected Beings / Announcements / More
Please listen, share and review. Peace and Love!
We dive deep into Colin's preparation for competition. His first in 18 years and at the ripe age of 42! We dissect the emotional, physical, dedication and lessons learned during this time.
We talk about how focusing on negative things/energy can have a major impact on the cellular level.
We touch on the 7 deadly sins but not in the way you would expect.
We discuss the importance of not identifying with a disease or illness.
We explore how we are all interconnected beings.
We touch on a few announcements and things planned for the show, etc.
Other fun topics explored.
Hear our new show at:
#012 - Guest: Rev. Denise Yeargin of Unity Music City Nashville / Compassion / Unity's Message / How Do We Raise A Conscious Child? / 4 Steps to Stay Conscious / Spiritual Journey to "Fit In" / What Is a Spiritual Midwife? / Defining What a Mindfullness Coach Is/ You Create Your Reality / Much More
Live 6/2/2016 from Venue 109 www.venue109.com
Special guest Rev. Denise Yeargin of Unity Music City AKA as Rev D
We hit so many topics it will make your head spin!
Bible is an exploration of evolving consciousness.
No one or religion has the monopoly on truth
We are what we have been waiting for - there is no second coming.
We are afraid of being big / being the light.
I can choose peace instead of an opinion!
Peace is inevitable with or without us!
People around us aren't broken they are Just vibrating at that frequency right now.
Raising A Conscious Child by Denise Yeargin as published on Dream A World
A LyKo Group Production
Hear our new show at:
#011 - Guest: Eric Santagada / Musician / Entrepreneur / Scholar / Humanitarian / World Traveler / Not Allowing Yourself to Pass Judgement on Others and the Implications / Much More
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Special guest Eric Santagada (www.ericsantagada.com) shares his beautiful story of traveling the world and giving back to children and helping the local business owners develop better skills to grow their business , studying abroad, general awakening to the splendor of life.
His development of a childrens music educational program called Santagada Young Musician Kit
His early stage development of a product called the DreamBoard (www.dreamboardlifesuccess.com)
Recorded 5/19/16 live from Venue 109 https://www.facebook.com/Venue109/?fref=ts
Hear our new show at:
#010 - Too Controversial? / Practicing Resolve In First Person / 5 Laws of Evolutionary Pressure
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Exposing Real Estate and Damn Near Anything Else.
We dive into an experience of Scott’s test of resolve watching his son - Kona - soccer game. We discuss an article written by Scott “Too Controversial?” - first hand account of large local independant brokerage and their view on ethics and why we (Colin and Scott) and the consumer thinks and knows it is wrong. The excuse of “well this is the way we have always done it” is not good enough.
We break down Colin’s Law - The 5 Laws of Evolutionary Pressure.
Recorded 5/5/2016
Hear our new show at:
#009 - Michael Elley / Actor, Writer, Musician, Producer, Playwright, Intellectual, Thought Leader / Music A Universal Language / Everyone Is Alike / Impact of Meditation / Transformational and Spiritual Journey
Please subscribe, listen, review and share. Peace and Love!
This is an episode that will change lives, impact thoughts and create a movement. Hear Michael speak of his love affair with music and how at the tender age of 7 he was designated as the ambassador of his family and how this impacted his life. He shares how music opened the door to so much more than music. How the rest of the world and it’s people are all pretty much the same in pursuit of Stability, contribution and love. So much topic that you just have to listen to appreciate it’s depth and impact. Enjoy!
Musician, Singer, Songwriter, Actor, Playwright, and Producer.Film, TV, Stage, Night Clubs, TV Commercials, Soundtracks, Composing, and Script Writing.
Michael has written and recorded for Warner Brothers Records
He has appeared on numerous National and International Network Television Shows
As a member of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) starred in movies along with others such as: Elvis Presley in “EASY COME, EASY GO” , Brian Keith in “THOSE CALLOWAYS” , Charlton Heston in “THE SAVAGE”.
Recorded 4/28/2016
Hear our new show at:
#008 - Jeremy’s Story From Highs, Lows, Loss, Ego, Personal Turmoil, Separation, Disappointment, Filling Internal Void with External Things, Hug Nashville's Goal, From the Bottom to Success. Exposing Real Estate and Damn Near Anything Else.
Jeremy Miller’s Story 4.26.16
Instagram @hugnashville
Facebook @hugnashville
Broadcast from:
Venue 109
109 Cude Ln
Madison, TN
(615) 999-6528
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#007 - Being Emotionally Available for Others / Putting Evolutionary Pressure On Yourself / Exposing NAR (National Association of Realtors) / Starting From a Position of High Integrity / Doing Things Right the First Time Every Time.
Being emotionally available for others when they are not emotionally available for themselves.
RBQT - meditation.
Putting evolutionary pressure on yourself so you can stretch the elastic mind.
Exposing the NAR - National Association of Realtors
Starting from a position of high integrity.
Doing things right the first time, every time.
Hear our new show at:
Exposing Real Estate & Damn Near Anything Else
Episode #6 - Appreciative of Listeners Feedback / Season Finale of The Walking Dead / Discussing Power of Broke by Daymond John / Inspiration from Rev D - Denise Yeargin of Unity Music City / Everyone Has a Story / Power of Mindset / Validating Ego. Please rate and review the show! Peace and love!
Shout out to Rev D. Denise Yeargin of Unity Music City, Nashville, TN for inspiring much of the episode #5 content: Peaceful willingness.
What happens on the cellular level we are train our cells to be what they are (conditioning for anger, for peace, for happiness, etc)
The season finale of The Walking Dead - Who did Negan kill? Transparency of people in the show & for the most part you know where the people stand, what they want, what they are about.
What is the Power of Broke? It’s not just financial. Falling in love with the process - innovations / ideas start at the bottom, not the top.
FUBU - For Us By Us - True meaning of FUBU & why Daymond John was able to become so successful- born out a passion.
Daymond John’s single most important thing he has learned in the thousands of conversations, speeches. How he has stayed grounded after achieving a high level of success. How he has had the ability to stay hungry. Appreciating the history of an idea.
Your ego - being jealous & admitting it, being an observer in that moment and learning from it. Discussing the pain body & what happens on the cellular level. People looking for validation for their behavior & belief.
Hear our new show at:
Exposing Real Estate and Damn Near Anything Else - Episode #5 - Greatest Investment is Payment in Attention to Self / Power of Words / Prevailing in Face of Adversity / Peace Proclamation
Greatest investment is payment in and of attention. Warren Buffett's idea of how to master anything!! Warren Buffett “if you cost me money I will forgive you, if you cost me my reputation I will be ruthless”. http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/
People wasting time, energy into work all week but do not invest into themselves on the weekend. What we mean by Paying Attention.
Reading of Peace proclamation.
Co-host Colin competing (bodybuilding) at 42 and the drive and focus it takes.
Power of words. Most people jump mouth first into trouble. Be aware of the power of words an impact they have on you and those around you. You can cast negativity on generations to come.
Hear our new show at:
Exposing Real Estate and Damn Near Anything Else - Episode #4 - Subsidies in Real Estate NFL / NFL Fleecing Taxpayers.
We dive deep into government subsidies of NFL real estate stadiums, tax breaks, owners not being required to pay any taxes to the counties or cities the stadiums are located. We discuss Roger Goodell compensation and how his and the other NFL executives pay flows from an organization that does not pay corporate taxes. We discuss how 29 of NFL stadiums have received public funds for construction and renovation. We hit on how although the league profits over $10 billion per year but has received well over $7 billion to build stadiums and how 12 of the teams have actually profited from the subsidies. We talk about the correlation of stadiums being built and the eventual drop in median income and increase in poverty. We touch on the state of Hawaii cutting education in the same year they vote and approve over $4 million dollars as a gift to the NFL to host the NFL pro-bowl. We talk about the actual term used by the state Louisiana - inducement payment - paid directly to Tom Benson the owner of the New Orleans Saints. We discuss the over $4 billion major networks pay for the rights to broadcast NFL games.
Hear our new show at:
Episode #3 - Preparing Yourself to Be YourBestSelf / Guaranteed Sold Program
Exposing Real Estate and Damn Near AnythingElse- Mike Tyson vs Buster Douglas - What single mostimportantmotivating factor Mike Tyson could not have prepared forthat ledBuster Douglas in a win over Mike Tyson. Preparing yourselfto beyour best self and the 3 exposing questions you must askyourselfto truly know yourself. The real estate guranteed home soldprogramand why it is one of the most sleazy, deceitful and unethical gimmicks in the real estate industry.Areal estate agent’s fiduciary responsibility to their clientandwhat fiduciary means. Core ethics that every real estateagentshould adhere to - Care, Obedience, Loyalty,Disclosure,Accounting, Confidentiality. The inherent conflict ofinterest thatexist with the guaranteed home sold program, theappraisers hiredby the real estate agent, and why the agent isdoing the programfor their best interest only. Defining gimmick,defining bait andswitch.
Please take a moment to subscribe and reviewourshow! Love and Peace!
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Episode #2 Exposing Real Estate and Damn Near Anything Else. From Music City USA / Nashville TN.
Underdog story. MMA fighters Nate Diaz and Connor MrGregor, Youtube video “From the streets to the elite 2016”. Nate Diaz underdog, relentless, tactical, un phased.
Kona’s story - a soon to be 6 years old take on integrity. Defining integrity, what it is and what it is not. Seeing the world through the eyes in a child.
Steph Curry (Golden State Warriors) and his dedication to the process and fundamentals. The time he puts in, being married to the process and system. What he is doing when nobody's watching impacts the product he puts on the court when everyone is watching. How he is dedicated to the process because of integrity not that the process is what defines his integrity. His integrity drives the process. Dedication and falling in love with the process.
More information on the names and other items mentioned in this show.
Ryan Fletcher - http://www.agentmarketingsyndicate.com/
Mike Dillard - http://mikedillard.com/
Gary Veynerchuk - http://vaynermedia.com/
Toby Salgado - http://www.superagentslive.com/welcome/
Nate Diaz / Connor McGregor
Hear our new show at:
Episode #1 - Exposing Real Estate and Damn Near Anything Else. From Music City USA / Nashville, TN.
Intro, framework of show. The power of the words I AM. The common mistake in using the word failure and adopting the word discrepancy instead. Bill Belichick and Tom Brady (New England Patriot's Way)on process and fundamentals. 3DR (Disgust, decision, desire and resolve). Psychological behaviors of adults and kids, discipline of kids, parents response to kid’s behaviors, parents living vicariously through kids, parents holding themselves accountable for parenting discrepancies. Parents admitting they were wrong. Importance of fundamental and process. IP - Impatient to start, patient for the process. Unethical real estate practices. The two meanings or exposing. Exposing and uncovering the truths, lies and deceitful practices in real estate and other businesses. Attitude and mindset in business and personal life.
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